

Attach this label to each entry: postercontestlabel_2017


Here is a list of websites to visit as you are researching information related to your project:

What is soil? Click here to find out

Do you have a clue where your food comes from? Get a clue here

The Challenge of Feeding Our World: Play the Game

The Story of the Soil: Videos Available

Amount of Each Food Group You Need Daily: Interactive Site

State Ag Facts: Info Here

My First Garden: Plan It!

All About Soil: Learn About It Here

Gardening For Nutrition: Choose Healthy

Healthy Soil For Life: USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service

Soils for School: Click here

Elkhart County SWCD Prizes:

We will award ribbons to the top three posters entered by any classroom.

Grand Prizes of $25 gift cards will be awarded to each of the five grade categories. These posters will then be entered into the state contest.

Second place prize is $15 per age category

Third place prize is $10 per age category