The SWCD has a variety of natural resource educational kits for you to use. Each kit contains all you need to carry out a lesson plan with an activity and are supplied free of cost to Elkhart County residents. Some kits even have videos that go with them which you can find here.

To borrow a kit from our collection or learn more about how to incorporate conservation into your classroom,  feel free to contact us at 574-533-4383 ext. 3

Click the lessons below to see what they are

Introduction to Kits

A Drop in the Bucket (adapted)

A Drop in the Bucket (Project WET)

Forestry Resources

Seed Flings

Soil Formation

Soil Infiltration Demonstration

Soil Particle Size

Soil Texture

Soil Profiling

Soil Slaking Demonstration

Soil Slump Test

Water Cycle Activity (Advance)

Water Cycle Activity

Wonderful World of Worms

Do you have another idea? The SWCD will work with you to design a presentation or lesson that best fits your classroom or program.

Let us know how we can help!

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